Announcement : 

SchooI Board Parent Election 2022 – nominations close on Wednesday 3 August at 12 noon. Election day is Wednesday 7 September. Please follow this link for more information:


Our library is a welcoming, engaging place where students are encouraged and supported to develop their literacy and reading skills for their future.

Botany Downs is blessed with a lovely library space FULL of wonderful books! Our collection includes: picture books, fiction (junior, middle and senior), non-fiction, magazines, graphic novels and sophisticated picture books. Each class has a scheduled library visit each week when they develop library and research skills, and find books to read at home and school.


Search our library collection here: BDS Library Collection


  • The library is open at lunchtime, from 12.45 to 1.30pm
  • Books are issued for two weeks.
  • ALL books/magazines must be issued via the library issues computer.
  • Children usually return their books during their weekly class visit, but may also return books before school or during lunchtime.
  • Books must be returned either to the librarian on duty or in the returns slot at the issue desk so they can be scanned through the computer. Please be considerate to other students and return your books on or before the due date.
  • If the library is closed books may be returned to ‘Botany Bob’, our after-hours returns bin located in the office foyer.
  • If you haven’t finished reading your book by the due date, you are welcome to renew it – bring your book to the library and ask the librarian to renew it for you.
  • There is no charge for overdue books, however if a book is lost or badly damaged, parents/caregivers will be asked to pay for a replacement copy.

Year 0 – 3 – may borrow 1 book at a time.
Year 4 – may borrow 2 books at a time.
Year 5 & 6 – may borrow 3 books at a time.

Students in Year 5 have the opportunity to become Student Librarians. Being a Student Librarian means helping to run the library at lunchtime.


The Auckland public libraries offer a huge range of e-books and audio-books that are free to borrow for members, and can be read on any device via their Libby (Overdrive) app:

Browse their digital collections here: Auckland Libraries Kids & Youth

Not a member of the library? Sign up for free here: Join Auckland Libraries

You can find more information about using Libby (Overdrive) here: Libby (Overdrive)


Reading Links:

Storylines – championing New Zealand children’s literature

Radio NZ – stories to listen to online

Storytime Online – stories to watch online

Kids Books NZ – reviews

Children’s Books Daily – reviews and reading tips

The Sapling – reviews, book lists and news

Read NZ (previously New Zealand Book Council) – New Zealand authors and events

Auckland Libraries – catalog search and events

Kiwi Kids News – child friendly news and current affairs


BDS Library Policy