Announcement : 

SchooI Board Parent Election 2022 – nominations close on Wednesday 3 August at 12 noon. Election day is Wednesday 7 September. Please follow this link for more information:


Botany Downs was opened in 1975 and is a highly regarded school, with a focus upon high-quality education, community partnership, and family.  We are proud of and celebrate the many cultures which attend this school, and consider our children to be our greatest strength.

All children are supported and encouraged to meet their full potential underpinned by our school vision our best always.

Our school culture is based upon our values of Respect – Manaakitanga, Relationships – Whaunaungatanga, Resilience – Manawanui, and Responsibility – Kaitiakitanga. 

Our curriculum promotes high standards and expectations while providing opportunities for our students to become independent future focused learners within a safe and caring environment.

Our school is fortunate to have specialist teachers for PE, S.T.E.A.M, Music, and Performing Arts. We also offer additional programmes from a specialist teacher for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Botany Downs has numerous opportunities for students to participate in sports and clubs.

By working together as parents and teachers in a partnership, we will ensure that your child has the best opportunity to succeed with their learning and personal development. We are all extremely proud of our school with its dedicated high calibre staff and supportive School Board and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). We look forward to a happy and positive association with you, your child and your family.

We are proud of our school, of our educational standards, of our achievements, and of the happy, safe environment that prevails.


Education Review Office – Botany Downs School Report

International Learners

The School Board and the School Community welcomes International Learners into our school.

Botany Downs School offers International Learners:

  • A welcoming, inclusive environment where students’ identity, language, and cultures are valued and celebrated 
  • A teacher who is responsible for international learners and parent liaison
  • Full mainstreaming of all students into age-appropriate classes
  • English tuition groups taught by an experienced, New Zealand qualified teacher
  • A buddy system where international learners are supported by student ambassadors to ensure that they settle in well and make friends
  • Chromebooks for Year 3-6 students and ipads in Years 0-2 for learning with digital technologies during school hours
  • Parent information sessions
  • Bilingual teachers available to help with translation