Week 8, Term 2, 2024
Kia ora koutou Parents and BDS Whānau,
Our Kapa Haka performed at the Owairoa Marae on Saturday as part of the celebration for the Matariki Festival. We were very proud of their performance. Thank you to our amazing Kapa Haka teacher Mrs Takaiti and to all our Kapa Haka tamariki. Thank you also to the parents and staff who came along to be part of the Matariki Festival on Saturday, it was great to see you supporting our kura.

Ngā mihi nui, Vicki Parkins, Principal – Tumuaki (vickip@botanydowns.school.nz)
Coming up @ BDS…
Wed 26 June – No Uniform Day: Crazy Hair/Hat / PTA Jester’s Pie Day Thurs 27 June – Whānau Matariki Visit Friday 28 June Matariki Public Holiday Mon 1 July – PTA meeting Wed 3 July – Learning Conversations: 3.20-7.40pm Thurs 4 July – Learning Conversations: 3.20-5.10pm Fri 5 July – Last Day of Term 2 Mon 22 July – First Day of Term 3
** click here to view more of the school calendar **
Learning Conversations
Bookings are now open:

Walking School Bus
Thank you Mrs Marston for driving our Walking School Bus every morning. So far we have Charlie, Neil, Oscar, and Gemma.
Join the bus, it’s a great way to exercise on the way to school with friends.

Bus name
Departs from
Days bus runs
Pajaro route
18 Pajaro Place
Mon – Fri
Nancy Marston nancym@botanydowns.school.nz
Botany Best & Values
We invite you to attend our school assembly on Friday at 9.10 am. This week our item will be from Room 29.
Congratulations to the following tamariki who have displayed our value of Resilience / Manawanui: Alfred Wang, Annieheta John, Maci Lund-Finn, Nina Phanwa, Katya Troussova, Hajar Al-Jumaily, Lynda Li, Baghel Singh, Michael Booth, Zayne Van Niekerk, Marylyn Nduku, Charlie Pirie, Sophie Klee, Enoch Liu, Aidan Malez Ocampos, Nikita Winterstein, Amber Belcher, Theodore Chuah, Abigail Harrison, Connor Rudman, Grant Leslie, Ava Tang & Beau Scott.

Botany Best
Congratulations to our following tamariki who have shown their Botany Best by displaying our Capabilities: Ilaisaane Fifita, Poppy Walker, Aria Zhang, Gabe Jacobs, Grace Zhao, Ahaan Harridass, Daisy Huang, Dhrishiv Katal, Baran Amiri, Marcus Ismail, Tina Tian, Advik Advik, Isher Singh, Memphis Kwok, Claire Zhou, Damian Roberts, Ofa Fifita, Gemma Yee, Amitoj Singh, Ayeza Zahidani, Daniel Bayani, Nicholas Botha & Jurgens Lewis.

We had a stunner of a day last Tuesday, sneaking in with blue skies between the rain clouds. The students ran really well and worked hard to complete the new and challenging course.
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Charlie Pirie
Autumn Jacobs
Ayden Sharp
Mika Nel
Jacob Kong
Amelia Klee
Logan Hunter
Greta Xie
Reuben Tate
Mila Richie
Cameron Burgess
April Clements-Goh
Braxton Bills
Sophie Klee
Flynn Hodgson
Teagan Andrews
Owen Huang
Gemma Brealey
World Vision 40 Hour Challenge
This weekend (Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd) is the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge with the focus for 2024 being to raise money so that people around the world can work with nature to restore forests, fight the impacts of climate change and regreen our future.

At Botany Downs Primary we have 27 students participating in the challenge. Good luck to you all for your challenge and fundraising!
Last weekend, one of our School Councilors and Year 6 students, Gemma Yee ran a flower-making workshop at Botany Library to help raise money for World Vision. She also did some violin busking. An amazing effort Gemma – Ka pai tō mahi!

Girls Soccer Tournament
Our BDS Year 5 & 6 Girls soccer team played in the HPPA tournament at William Green last Wednesday. This was supposed to be a 2-day competition, but unfortunately the first day was cancelled due to rain and hail. Our team played extremely well and every game was very close. We never gave up, we improved every game and we scored a great win at the end! Well done girls!

Rugby Tournament
The BDS Rugby team went to Lloyd Elsmore to play in the final tournament of the season. In the end, we finished 8th overall and we won one game. The boys showed stellar teamwork and determination and should be very happy with their performance. Well done!
These photos are from our last game where we only lost by one point in the final minutes!

ICAS Exams for Year 5 and 6
This year our Year 5 and 6 students have the opportunity to participate in the ICAS English, Science, and Maths assessment exams in Term 3. These assessments are completed online and cost $21.50 each. A newsletter has gone home to Year 5 and 6 students, however there are spare newsletters which can be collected from the school office.
All entries and payments must be completed by Friday 21st June.
Dates for exams:
English – Thursday 15th August
Science – Tuesday 20th August
Maths – Monday 26th August
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mark Insley (Deputy Principal), marki@botanydowns.school.nz

Fun & Learning @ BDS
Room 7, Year 1: In Room 7 we have been learning all about Trees and how important they are to our Earth. They give us so much yummy fruit and last week Mrs Johnston shared oranges from her tree. A good dose of Vitamin C. Yum!

A big thankyou to the Guo family who have kindly donated their drum set to us. This is greatly appreciated.
Student Success…
NZMSM Annual Music Competitions: Congratulations Lucas and Isaac!
Lucas Pope:
Category: 18 Months or less tuition
1st place: Rhythm Test
2nd place: Melody Test
Trophy: Category Winner
Category: 8 years old or younger
1st place: Own Choice Piece
2nd place: Melody Test
Category: 13 years old or younger
3rd place: Rhythm Test
2nd place: Melody Test
3rd place: Own Choice Piece
Isaac Su’a:
Category: 9 years old or younger
1st place: Rhythm Test
1st place: Melody Test
1st place: Own Choice Piece
Trophy: Category Winner
Hapkido: Michael Booth achieved his black belt in Hapkido; he has been working very hard for the last two years, to achieve his black belt. Hapkido is a Korean form of martial arts, it is a form of self-defence that includes throwing techniques, kicks, punches, joint locks, grappling, and other forms of defence and attack. Congratulations Michael!

Children Turning Five – Enrolment
If your child is turning five in the next six (6) months please ensure you enrol them as soon as possible. Our roll is steadily growing and we need to plan for classes and teachers during the year.
Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or email office@botanydowns.school.nz
Joanne Hughson DP/SENCo – Year 0-3 (joanneh@botanydowns.school.nz)
Matariki Story Time – Free Event
This special Matariki story event is happening this Sunday, June 23, 11am, at the Dorothy Butler Children’s Bookshop: 1 Jervois Rd, Ponsonby. Join in for some beautiful stories and meet the author, Miriama Kamo.

Holiday Soccer Development Camp
Registration for our Holiday Soccer Camp is now open! To register: click here.
