Week 1, Term 1, 2025
Tēnā koutou te whānau,
We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break. It’s great to see everyone back for another exciting term at school. We all extend a warm welcome to all our new students and families. We are looking forward to a term filled with learning, growth, new opportunities and friendships.
Our newsletters are sent by email every Tuesday and are always full of very important information and celebrations of our tamariki at BDS. The team newsletters will also be sent out on Friday and these are full of specific year-level information.
Please remember that the school day starts at 8.55 am and finishes at 3 pm. Students are welcome to arrive from 8:30 am and it is important that your child is at school at least ten minutes before the bell to prepare for the day.
I am looking forward to seeing you at school, at the Whānau Picnic and at the Whānau Conversation Evenings.
Ngā mihi nui, Vicki Parkins, Principal – Tumuaki (vickip@botanydowns.school.nz)
Whānau Conversations – Building Connections February 26 & 27 (Week 4)
During 2025 our focus continues to be on building connections and understanding to help support learning, progress and achievement. On Wednesday, February 26, and Thursday, February 27, we will be holding these whānau/parent conversations at BDS.
These discussions are guided by a set of key questions which we will send home and provide an opportunity for parents to share insights about their children. Times will be available next week. We will be continuing with our Learning Conversations at the end of Term 2.
Whānau Picnic – Week 2
Mark your calendars for our annual Whānau Picnic on Thursday, February 13 (Week 2). Bring your dinner and join us for a fun evening with parents and children from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. It’s a wonderful chance to connect, celebrate, and enjoy time together as a school community.
Coming Up @BDS
Tues 4 Feb – First Day of Term 1 Thurs 6 Feb – Waitangi Day (public holiday) Thurs 13 Feb – Whānau Picnic: 5.00-7.00 pm Wed 26 Feb – Whānau conversations (times to be advised Week 2) Thurs 27 Feb – Whānau conversations (times to be advised Week 2)
School Communication
- Newsletters are emailed out each Tuesday and uploaded to our website for use with Google Translate.
- Newsletters are uploaded to our school app. Download the KiwiSchools app from your app store.

- Year group (Team) newsletters are emailed to you in the first week of each term.
- Reminders will be sent out on our school app.
- The School calendar is on our website and is continually updated.
- WeChat is available for our Mandarin speakers.
- BDS Facebook page for celebrating success.
Uniform Reminders
- Hats: Please remember that hats must be worn during Term 1.
- Naming Uniform Items: Ensure all uniform items are clearly named.
- Drink Bottles: Bring a named drink bottle. Please note, we are a water-only school.
- Lost Property: Found items are located outside Room 1.
- Purchasing Uniforms: New uniform items are available at John Russell Schoolwear, 9 Moore Street, Howick.
Uniform Information: For more details about our school uniform, please visit our website at www.botanydowns.school.nz/uniform.


- Go to myschool.co.nz and search for your school
- Search for Botany Downs School
- Insert child’s name and year level (student ID is not required)
Our BDS Values
At Botany Downs School we “live” by these four Values:

Our focus value for the first half of Term 1 is Relationships-Whanaungatanga:

Our Capabilities
These capabilities represent the skills and knowledge for our ākonga to achieve success as they grow. These capabilities weave through all our learning areas.

BYOD Week 2 – Monday 10 February
Students in Years 4, 5, and 6 will be able to bring their own device to school starting from Week 2, Monday 12 February. For more information, please contact Mr. Sojung Yoon, BYOD Coordinator, at sojungy@botanydowns.school.

Efforts to Lift Attendance and Reduce Absence
Regular school attendance is crucial to academic success, and we are committed to lifting attendance across the school. To achieve this, we are actively monitoring attendance patterns and taking steps to address any concerns. We are working closely with families, providing support where needed to ensure students attend school regularly.
Our goal is to create an atmosphere where every student feels supported and motivated to succeed.
Curricula and Assessment Preparation for 2025
As we prepare for the implementation of the new curricula, we are taking active steps to ensure our students are ready. This includes gathering baseline data to assess where our tamariki currently stand in relation to the upcoming changes. By identifying their strengths and areas for growth, we aim to provide targeted support to help them succeed under the new framework.
Our dedicated teachers are working collaboratively to align our teaching practices with these new expectations, while engaging students in a meaningful way to ensure a smooth transition. We will keep families updated on this journey and encourage their continued involvement in the learning process.
Welcome to Our Short-Stay International Students
We are excited to welcome our short-stay international students from China and Korea to our school community. This is a wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange, where our tamariki can learn from their new friends and share their own experiences in return.
By connecting with students from different backgrounds, we celebrate diversity and gain a greater appreciation of the world around us. We encourage whānau to join us in making our visitors feel at home during their time at our school.
Nǐ hǎo! 안녕하세요! Welcome to BDS!
School Board Notice
Farewell and Thanks to Matthew Cooke: After 12 years of dedicated service on the School Board, we bid farewell to Matthew Cooke as his tenure comes to an end. Throughout his time on the board, Matthew has been a highly valued member, bringing a wealth of skills and expertise that have greatly benefited our school community.
As a proud parent of three children who have all attended Botany Downs School, Matthew’s commitment to fostering a positive environment for learning and growth has been unwavering. His contributions have left a lasting impact, and we are deeply grateful for his many years of service.
On behalf of the entire BDS community, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Matthew and wish him all the very best for the future.
Welcome to Our New School Board Member, Tom Pritchard: We are delighted to welcome Tom Pritchard to the Botany Downs School Board. With his passion for education and dedication to our school community, we are excited about the perspectives and expertise he brings to the team.
The board is looking forward to working with Tom as we continue striving to create the best possible learning environment for our tamariki.
Staffing for 2025

Children Turning Five – Enrolment
If your child is turning five before June 2025 please ensure you enrol them as soon as possible.
We are planning for classes and teachers into 2025 and this is made much easier if we have accurate numbers of new entrants even as far ahead as the middle of next year! Thank you.

Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or email office@botanydowns.school.nz
Joanne Hughson DP/SENCo – Year 0-3 (joanneh@botanydowns.school.nz)
Summer Reading
We hope you all enjoyed your Summer Reading! Thank you to those families who have returned their Summer Reading books today.
Please remember to find and return all your books this week. The library is closed for class visits and at lunchtime, however, students may pop in to return their books.


Registrations for our Term 1, After School Soccer are now open! To register: click here